Get a FREE Copy Audit!

Real Simple: Great copy can make your business; bad copy can break your business.

And regardless of where your copy sits on the word-wizardry spectrum, there’s always room for improvement.

So let’s have a little fun. 

What happens when a trained wandering eye is set loose on your copy?

To find out, all you have to do is fill out the form, let us know what you would like audited (email, web copy, ads, or a surprise), and you’ll receive a video in the mail within 48 hours highlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Rules of Engagement

You must choose between:

- 1 x webpage,
- 1 x email sequence (max. 5 emails), 
- 2 x ads, or
- You can surprise us.

How it Works

Start by filling out the form below. 

Google will then do its thing and alert us via email.

*** speaking in the first person now ***

I’ll get all giddy (obviously); go check out your website, copy, and brand to get a feel for what you’re up to. 

I’ll then shower, shave, style my hair, and dress in professional attire.  

Suited and booted, I’ll make the long walk to the recording studio, put on my spectacles (to boost trustworthiness by 30% and confidence by 50%), step into my Don Draper alter-ego, hit record on Loom, and proceed to tear your copy to shreds. 

Just kidding…

What I will do is outline what’s likely working, what’s likely not, the psychological reasons as to WHY, and how it can be improved — All the while making an argument as to why you should save yourself the stress and instead hire The Copy Lab to write for you.

And why, when you hire The Copy Lab, it will result in:

  • Increased profitability for your business,

  • A happier, more loyal customer base, and

  • Increased wealth so you can retire whenever you damn well please and live out your wildest dreams!

Sound good?

Great. There’s only one thing left to do…